
If you have forgotten your HP printer password and are unable to log in, this entry may help you. HP Printer is a very reliable printing machine that has quality features that provides excellent printing results. If you want to print documents wirelessly, you will need to know the printer password. However, sometimes the user is unable to do so because of the "I forgot my HP printer password" issue. If you are also struggling for the same reason, then read this post to follow password recovery instructions.

Reset HP Printer Password Manually. follow-up guidelines

  1. Navigate to the main menu on your HP printer.

  2. Now you have to click on "Right Arrow".

  3. Select the "Settings" menu.

  4. Select the "Network Over" option.

  5. Scroll down to find "Reset network defaults". Click on it.

  6. Click Yes.

  7. Wait until the default settings are restored.

  8. Now go to "Control Panel" and click on "Windows + R". Click on the OK button.

  9. Access the "Device Printer" option.

  10. Right-click on your HP wireless printer.

  11. Go to the "Properties" section.

  12. Click on the "Password" icon.

  13. After that, you have to enter the password.

  14. save Changes.

Cursor. If you are unable to recover a strong password yourself, you can use the password management tool to reset the HP printer password. This tool will help you create a secure password for your device so that no unauthorized user will be able to access your information. You can also save the new password in "Password Protected Note" under "Password Notes", so you can remember it at any time to combat password loss.

Read more about Reset HP Printer

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