5 members
Welcome to the raw food group.
Our group is used to communicate and link people with an interest in this healthy lifestyle.
The beneficial effects of raw food have been confirmed by countless world doctors and nutritionists for decades.
Conversely, a heat-treated diet, or a denatured diet, is unnatural, toxic to humans and causes body disorder at all levels.
The style, the ratio and the pace of the inclusion of the raw diet can be chosen by everyone according to their needs, choices and the inclusion of the organism from previous meals ...
Personally, I prefer the so-called raw monolayer for most of the day, in one meal one type of fruit and as a supplement daily fresh vegetable juice with spinach and the like.
3 members
ENERGY RAW Smoothies - vitamínová bomba
Raw Energy is about just getting out of the surf and enjoying a well deserved big breakfast at any time of the day. If the surfs great, who wants to be ruled by the clock just to get the breakfast menu?!?!
Raw Energy is about finishing a yoga class and catching up with friends for a quality Lavazza coffee and piece of delicious home made cake. You know you've earned it.
Raw Energy is about finishing a 100km bike ride and downing a massive fresh burger with heaps of salad and an ice cold freshly squeezed juice. This still doesn't stop you from eyeing off your mates plate. He's just thinking he looks good in lycra.
Raw Energy is about running late for work and even though you missed breakfast you know you have time to swing past for a filling and healthy smoothie. You know you'll need it to get through the day.
Raw Energy is about enjoying the sun and breeze while enjoying your meal, not being stuck in the local shopping centre. Now isn't that a breath of fresh air!
Raw Energy is about being ethical and enjoying chicken and eggs that come from farms where the chicks are footloose and fancy free (range)
Raw Energy is about choices provided by a large menu and 5 different types of bread, including gluten free (the burger patties are also gluten free).
Raw Energy is about helping your kids make the right choices. If they want fries and a coke, they can't have it, 'cause we don't sell it!
Raw Energy is not just about eating healthy, it's about a healthy lifestyle. Its about the freshest of ingredients and to have it hand made right where you've ordered it.
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