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Male Lives in New York, United States 24 years old Is in a relationship
by on October 3, 2019
The ketogenic diet, also known as the keto diet, is a nutritional plan that requires a person to consume increased amounts of fat while restricting carbohydrate intake. People looking to get into this diet would have to give up many things that they enjoy – including breads, bagels, and various snacks to keep their carbohydrate intake to a minimum. While new “keto-friendly” ingredients and snacks have been introduced into the market, experts claim that these “cheat” foods are not as healthy as p...
651 views 2 likes
by on August 22, 2019
BIOFACH 2020: New special show on “Water” Premiere for special exhibition “All about water – is the basis of all life endangered?” #biofach #bio #organic #messe #nurnberg #de #germany #2020 #water A topic of the utmost current concern will be the subject of special attention at BIOFACH, the World’s Leading Trade Fair for Organic Food, at its next event on 12-15 February 2020, which will include the special exhibition “All about water – is the basis of all life endangered?”. Water is an essential...
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by on May 23, 2019
Ab 29. April werden bei vier „Zurück zum Ursprung“-Produkten die Plastikdeckel abgeschafft und so 35 Tonnen an Plastik pro Jahr eingespart. Hofer hat bei seiner Bio- und Nachhaltigkeitsmarke „Zurück zum Ursprung“ Einsparungspotenzial bei Verpackung erkannt und stoppt als erster Lebensmittelhändler Österreichs bei vier Produkten den Einsatz von zusätzlichen Plastikdeckeln: Ab 29. April werden österreichweit in alle Filialen Frisch- und Hüttenkäse sowie Natur- und Fruchtjoghurts im 400g-Becher ...
378 views 1 like
by on May 3, 2018
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