Martin Obert
on November 12, 2017 1,833 views
Vegan Strongman Eats ONE MEAL A DAY ! Dr. Nun S. Amen Ra is a living testament to the power of intermittent fasting.
He eats only one meal a day, eats no meat, yet has a warrior physique and is a world weight lifting champion. This inspirational video is so full of eye opening information about the vegan diet, maximum life extension, fasting, meditation, yoga, the dangers of glycation and how sugar ages the body. Eating less lengthens lifespan, where eating a lot shortens it. HGH human growth hormone is increased in the body when fasting. This is great inspiration for fat loss, healthy vegetarian diet, muscle building and how powerful the results can be when determination, focus, willpower and steadfastness can be attained.
Amen-Ra eats beans, rice, grains, peanut butter and plant-based supplements and teas. For those interested in all natural drug-free bodybuilding, enjoy this super informative video! There are several things you can do and things you need to know in order to promote life longevity. Fasting is healthy for you. You don’t have to animal products in order to have muscles. It’s important to eat healthy and exercise. Subjecting yourself to self imposed discipline is the surest way to increase the quality of your existence to you. You will not waste away if you fast daily Studies of intermittent fasting show that not only do people see improvements in blood pressure and their cholesterol levels, but also in their insulin sensitivity.
Categories: Film & Entertainment
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