inshare cornersofa
by on March 25, 2021

When it comes to Rattan Corner Sofa , natural fibers like wicker and rattan can be especially challenging to clean and keep clean. With wicker and rattan furniture, you need to take special precautions while cleaning to avoid harming the natural fibers. Here are some tips and tricks to help you clean your wicker and rattan patio furniture with ease.

Indoor Rattan Furniture Cleaning Guide

You’ll find keeping your indoor rattan sofas and wicker chairs easy:

Remove the upholstery and cushion covers to clean them as per the washing instructions on the label

With a soft cloth, wipe over the frame of the sofa or chair to remove dust

Using the upholstery tool (set the vacuum to its lowest suction power level), vacuum the sofa or chair frame, concentrating on corners and joints where does can become ingrained

An old, soft-bristled toothbrush can also be used to loosen packed-in dust and dirt

If there are stubborn stains and marks, use a damp soft cloth soaked in warm water and a gentle detergent to wipe over the surface

Make sure the sofa or chair frame is dry before replacing the cushions

Cleaning Outdoor wicker furniture

If the wicker furniture you will be cleaning is the outdoor kind, here are the proper steps you need to take:

Since your wicker furniture is outdoors, it is automatically exposed to more dirt, dust, and grime. Using a soft brush with firm bristles (vegetable brush, toothbrush, or fingernail brush), loosen as much dirt, dust, and grime as you can. After this, use your vacuum to suck up the loosened particles.

If your outdoor wicker furniture is made from synthetic materials, you can wash it with water and even hose it down without the risk of ruining the Insahre furniture .

Make a mixture using a gallon of water and 2 tablespoons of soap or ammonia. If you have wooden furniture, you may want to use a vegetable-oil based wood soap. Wet a clean sponge or piece of cloth in your water-soap/ammonia mixture and wipe down the furniture. To clean the insides of the weaves, you can use a small, soft-bristled brush like a toothbrush.

For unpainted wooden wicker furniture that is natural or has only been clear coated, you can hose down the water-soap/ammonia residue, but make sure that it is set only on light pressure. On the other hand, if it has been painted, do not use a hose as it can damage the furniture’s finish. You can remove the residue using a clean damp sponge or cloth.

If the furniture is completely made from synthetic materials, you can hose it down with water without worrying about pressure.

How to refinish rattan

Another way to restore rattan furniture is to refinish it. As always, begin by cleaning the piece and letting it dry completely. Apply a 'liquid sander' as rattan is all but impossible to sand normally. If you are applying the same colour finish as before, use two thin coats and allow to dry again between coats. If you are using a different colour, you may need to use substantially more layers to get the desired effect.

A regular clean keeps cane furniture looking great and remaining strong; with these tips, you can handle the task with ease. If you require more information, then please feel free to contact Leisure Chair manufacturer Inshare Furniture(Zhejiang) Co., Ltd or visit our site:

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