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Jannush Micci

Born on January 1, 1970
by on May 11, 2019
How to deal with toxic people.    https://youtu.be/vAcWIRuoZRc ...
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by on May 30, 2019
Človek, ktorý vie, že stromy cítia bolesť, že majú pamäť a že stromoví rodičia spolunažívajú so svojimi deťmi, ich už nemôže bez rozmyslu stínať a jazdiť okolo nich na veľkých mašinách. Výmena živín ako susedská výpomoc v prípade núdze je zrejme pravidlom, a toto poznanie viedlo k zisteniu, že les je superorganizmus, teda podobný útvar ako napríklad mravenisko. Lenže, prečo sa stromy správajú sociálne, prečo sa delia o potravu s ďalšími jedincami svojho druhu a tak živia vlastnú konkurenciu? Dôv...
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by on June 6, 2019
Every day we are ingesting tiny, often microscopic pieces of plastic -- "microplastics" -- with our food, beverages and with the very air we breathe. Americans eat, drink and breathe between 74,000 and 121,000 microplastic particles each year depending on their age and sex, new research suggests. ...
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by on June 5, 2019
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently banned 12 products containing neonicotinoid, a pesticide that functions similarly to nicotine. Neonicotinoids have been linked to impaired memory, movement, and death in bees, which are critical to the world's crop production. Seven of the recently banned pesticides are used to protect crops like soybeans, cotton, and corn from diseases and pests. ...
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by on May 13, 2019
There are thousands of peer-reviewed studies that have come out, and continue to come out, raising some alarming facts about our favourite gadgets such as cell phones, tablets, our use of Wi-Fi (Wi-Fi radiation) and more. But the main focus lately seems to be on WiFi and cell phones, as a number of countries around the world have set severe limits with regards to the use of WiFi and cell phones around children in schools. Take France for example, they passed a law in 2015 banning WiFi from al...
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by on May 28, 2019
This farmer is growing hemp to save his soil from toxic chemical waste. Europe’s largest steel mill in the city of Taranto, Italy, used to produce over 10 million tons of steel every year, 40% of all the steel made in Italy. It currently employs about 12,000 people. The local economy of Taranto, population 200,000, is almost entirely reliant on the steel mill, which is one of the biggest and most deadly polluters of anywhere in the Mediterranean. ...
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by on July 4, 2019
The FDA’s oversight powers on cosmetics are so weak, even the industry is complaining. The beauty industry has come a long way since the days of arsenic scrubs and lead-based face creams. But maybe it hasn’t come far enough. Earlier this year, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration confirmedthat asbestos — a known carcinogen that’s unsafe at any level — had been found in eye shadow, foundation, and other make-up products marketed to pre-teen girls. Even worse, because the FDA had no power to f...
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by on June 14, 2019
With age, forests in eastern U.S. and Canada become less vulnerable to climate change, study finds. Older is better – for forests facing climate change. That’s the upshot of new University of Vermont research that finds older forests in eastern North America are less vulnerable to climate change than younger forests, particularly for carbon storage, timber production, and biodiversity. ...
555 views 0 likes
by on June 3, 2019
Hundreds of sites in rivers around the world from the Thames to the Tigris are awash with dangerously high levels of antibiotics, the largest global study on the subject has found. Antibiotic pollution is one of the key routes by which bacteria are able develop resistance to the life-saving medicines, rendering them ineffective for human use. “A lot of the resistance genes we see in human pathogens originated from environmental bacteria,” said Prof William Gaze, a microbial ecologist at the U...
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by on May 10, 2019
Common Parasite Linked to Personality Changes Eating a raw steak or owning a cat can make you more outgoing ...
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by on July 6, 2019
The East Siberian Arctic Shelf (“ESAS”) is the epicenter of a methane-rich zone that could turn the world upside down. Still, the ESAS is not on the radar of mainstream science, and not included in calculations by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), and generally not well understood. It is one of the biggest mysteries of the world’s climate puzzle, and it is highly controversial, which creates an enhanced level of uncertainty and casts shadows of doubt. The ESAS is the most e...
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by on June 4, 2019
Huby tvoria akýsi lesný internet. A takáto kabeláž má svoju cenu. Huby sú odkázané na živiny iných druhov, lebo v mnohom sa podobajú skôr na zvieratá. Bez prívodu potravy by zahynuli. Preto vyžadujú platbu vo forme cukru a iných glycidov, ktoré im dodáva partnerský strom. A huby vo svojich nárokoch nie sú práve skromné. Za svoje služby žiadajú až tretinu celkovej produkcie hostiteľského stromu! Preto je logické, že pri takýchto podmienkach závislosti sa huby nespoliehajú na náhodu. Svojimi jemný...
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